ACCA - Evening Courses

Enhance your career with a prestigious qualification.

July 15, 2024
6 months



Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)

The Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) is the largest and fastest growing global professional accountancy body in the world with 233,000 fully qualified members and 536,000 students in 178 countries.
The ACCA qualification will provide you with skills and knowledge relevant to any business which means you are free to choose which type of accountancy role and organization you want to work for.


Qualify as an ACCA member

To become an ACCA member, you will need to complete:

  • Exams – 13 exams (9 are eligible for exemption*)
  • Experience – record 36 months’ experience in a relevant role
  • Ethics – Ethics and Professional Skills module

Entry requirements

You must be 18 or over and have at least one of the below:

  • Lyceum Apolyterion 17/20 (85%)
  • Lyceum Apolyterion 16/20 and LCCI third level Accounting
  • A minimum of 3 GCSE’s and 2 A levels, in 5 separate subjects including Maths and English. (The GCSE’s must be achieved with grade C or above)
  • University degree or Diploma

For more information visit ACCA ‘s website


Registration can be made at any time throughout the year. The quickest and easiest way is to apply online. Be sure to read through the instructions before you start the process. ACCA and the Institute of Certified Public Accountants of Cyprus (ICPAC) have an agreement whereby students registering for ACCA are simultaneously registered on ICPAC’s register as well through the Joint Examination Scheme process. Contact us to help you with your registration!

Cyprus fees

  • Registration fees             £ 89
  • Annual subscription    £134 + €60 ICPAC Subscription


There are 4 exam sessions per year- in March, June, September and December.

Exam fees-standard entry

Applied Knowledge exams(CBE)  On-demand

  • Applied Skills exams                     £ 150
  • Strategic Professional exams       £ 196

Course subjects

The ACCA exams are divided into two levels; Fundamentals and Professional
The Fundamentals level is divided into two modules, Knowledge and Skills.

Fundamentals (nine papers in total)
Applied Knowledge
BT Business and Technology
MA Management Accounting
FA Financial Accounting
Applied Skills
LW Corporate and Business Law (CY)
PM Performance Management
TX Taxation (CY)
FR Financial Reporting
AA Audit and Assurance
FM Financial Management
Strategic Professional (four papers in total)
SBL Strategic Business Leader
SBR Strategic Business Reporting
Options (two to be completed)
AFM Advanced Financial Management
APM Advanced Performance Management
ATX Advanced Taxation (CY)
AAA Advanced Audit and Assurance


*you can claim exemptions from a maximum of nine papers if you have a recognised and relevant finance or accounting degree from an ACCA accredited university. You will need to provide proof of your previous qualifications so you can claim the exemptions.

Exemption fees

Applied Knowledge exams             £ 86

Applied Skills exams                       £ 114

How long does it take to qualify?

This depends on how many exemptions you can claim. If you work and study at the same time you can qualify in as little as three to four years.

Is there a time limit?

No time limit for the Fundamentals level. However, once you pass your first Professional level exam, you have seven years to pass the rest of the papers.


Official Website:



Basic Principles

Students who have a complaint for any reason either material or not should carry out the following procedure to resolve the problem:

  1. Fill in student’s complaint form specifying clearly what the problem is. Please give your personal details so the institution should contact you straight away. Complaints forms are available at student services desk and at the Institute’s website or otherwise you can contact any of the tutors directly.
  2. You can place your complaint form in the students’ complaint box located at the student services reception desk (1st floor).
  3. All new complaints forms are reviewed once a week and all existing ones are reviewed on a regular basis.
  4. All complaints forms are entered into a complaint database in student services including details such as complaint description, timescale, outcome and any remedial action taken. The nature and pattern of complaints should be closely monitored as part of the Annual Review.
  5. There are four complaint categories:
    1. Complaint I: Recommendations & Suggestions
    2. Complaint II: Formal meeting with tutor and student
    3. Complaint III: Formal meeting with head of the school and student
    4. Complaint IV: Direct contact with ACCA
  6. On Complaint I Category, student will receive an informal confirmation either in writing or orally that his suggestion has been examined and will be handled in due time.
  7. On Complaint II Category, student should have a meeting with a student services officer. They will discuss the problem directly and they will try to find a solution immediately. Otherwise the student will receive a written confirmation of the outcome of his complaint, outlining the reasons for the decision.
  8. On Complaint III Category, student should have a formal meeting with the head of the school (Mr. Pantelis Stylianides).
  9. On Complaint IV Category, student should appeal to ACCA for further investigation. In this case the Institution is required to report to ACCA as well as regarding the complaint and how it was dealt with through the institution’s complaints procedures.
  10. All complaints are upheld with the strictest confidentiality.
  11. If you have exhausted both your learning provider complaint’s process and ACCA’s you can escalate to the appropriate regulator. Details of which can be found on the ACCA website at the following link: Click here.
  • To view program terms and conditions, please click here.
  • To view ACCA students complain form click here.


Enhance your career with a prestigious qualification.


Become an international tax practitioner.


Obtain a Diploma in IFRS!.


The ideal start to your Accounting path.

Our Institute

Pantelis Stylianides Institute of Accountancy (Ps) is a long established private provider of professional accountancy courses in Cyprus. Our mission is to prepare and tutor the Accounting experts of tomorrow.


Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +357 22 871287 / Fax: +357 22 315516
Address: 20 Piraeus Street, Strovolos, 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus