Become an international tax practitioner.

Download ADIT Course Program

September 6, 2024
6 months


Accounting , Course

About ADIT

Pantelis Stylianides Institute of Accountancy in cooperation with Taxand Ltd, are proud to provide the course through one of the most prestigious training organisations in the UK, Tolley Exam Training (part of LexisNexis) specialising in International taxation.

The Advanced Diploma in Taxation (‘ADIT’) was developed by the Chartered Institute of Taxation (‘CIOT’), which is the leading professional body in the United Kingdom (‘UK’) concerned solely with taxation. The Advanced Diploma is supervised by an Academic Board of distinguished international tax practitioners.

ADIT was launched in Cyprus in an effort to fill the gap of professionally qualified international tax planners and to help entrepreneurs and local tax practitioners to meet the needs of their international clients.

It is now being offered in leading western countries and through highly reputable universities. The overall standard of the Advanced Diploma is comparable to the tax advisor examinations in the UK and successful students will be able to demonstrate a high level of competence.

As Cyprus is increasing its reputation as an international financial center, tax is becoming a critical part of the work of most professionals since they are facing more and more challenges and more complex tax structures in their daily routine.

A key characteristic of international corporate tax advisers is that they have a variety of backgrounds and typically spend time in more than one country. This unique specialist Advanced Diploma meets the needs of international tax practitioners in the corporate area.

Who should attend?

ADIT is ideal for a variety of professionals such as Lawyers, Accountants, Tax Advisers, Management Consultants, Financial Advisers and Notaries. If you intend to pursue a career in international taxation- in industry, commerce, private practice or in the public sector-this is the qualification for you.

ADIT meets the demand both in and outside Cyprus for a specialist qualification for international tax practitioners in the corporate area. The Diploma shows you have a high level of competence in international taxation and brings you the benefits of an internationally recognised qualification. It recognises that international tax advisers need to understand more than one tax system. The overall standard is comparable to the CTA in the UK. The ADIT examination is set by the Chartered Institute of Taxation.

The qualification


  • Qualify in international tax
  • Specialist trainers, outstanding pass rates
  • Classroom learning courses
  • Easy on line application

What do I need to do to qualify for the ADIT?

Register as a student and apply to sit the exams.

You must register as a student with the Institute for which you need a valid email address. Students should aim to be registered by 31 January if they wish to sit an examination the following June and 31 August if they wish to sit an exam in December.

Registration fee-STG £ 220 (valid for 5 years)  £220 (£235 from 1 January 2023)

Then you must separately apply to sit the examination. The deadline for this is the end of 16th March 2022 for the June examination and 16th September 2022 for the December examinations.

Study for the exams

There is a choice of paper for each of the three exams you must pass. PS Institute in cooperation with Taxand are providing the courses through one of the most prestigious organisations in the UK, Tolley Tax Training (part of LexisNexis)

  • Paper 1-Principles of International Taxation
  • Paper 2.03-Advanced International Taxation (Jurisdiction)-Cyprus Option
  • Paper 3.03-Advanced International Taxation (Thematic)-Transfer Pricing

Find out more about syllabus:  Click here to see in PDF format.

Sit and pass the three exam papers

You can sit all the three papers for the ADIT qualification separately or all at once.

Paper 1 is compulsory, you can choose any combination of the other papers.

There is a handwritten sitting of the exams in June and on screen sittings of the exams in June and December. Each examination is 3 hours 15 minutes in length (including 15 minutes reading time)

All ADIT exams in June 2022 will be sat remotely. This means you will be typing your answers, sitting at the location of your choice: at home or in your office.

You are allowed to take certain publications into the examination.

The pass mark for each paper is 50%. The results are released in August and February.

 Current Examination Fee

The exam fee for the June 2023 exams is currently STG £ 220 per paper, which includes technical articles, current tax notes, digests of tax cases and news from the Institute.

The extended essay (thesis fee) is STG £ 220. Fees are set by the CIOT and are subject to annual review.

Student Registration – £220 (£235 from 1 January 2023)
Exam Entry – £215


Upon successful completion of the ADIT exams (or completion of two exams and a thesis) candidates will receive a certificate. Individual certificates are also available for candidates who complete Paper 1-Principles of International Taxation and Paper 3.03-Transfer Pricing.

The ADIT has three components:

Module 1– Principles of International Taxation

This paper is based on the OECD Model Convention, and is compulsory for all candidates. The focus is on key issues such as principles of international tax law, residence, double taxation and treaty interpretation, transfer pricing, the work of the OECD and international tax avoidance. Candidates who pass this exam are eligible to apply for a certificate. Please click here for more information.

This exam consists of two parts. Part A consists of five essay-type questions worth 25 marks each. Part B consists of two scenario-type questions worth 25 marks each. Candidates are required to answer four questions in total, at least two questions from each part A and one question from each part B.

Module 2.03 – Cyprus Option

This module covers the structure of the Cypriot tax system, with particular emphasis on Income Tax, Capital Gains Tax and Value-added Tax, and topics such as the Cyprus Double Taxation Treaty Network, reorganisations and BEPS.

The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks each. Part B consists of one mandatory question worth 20 marks. Part C consists of four questions worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are required to answer any two.

Module 3.03 – Transfer Pricing

This module coves the fundamentals of transfer pricing based on the OECD model. The model will focus on transfer pricing methods, the arm’s length principle, comparability, compliance issues and avoiding double taxation and dispute resolution.

The exam consists of three parts. Part A consists of two mandatory questions worth 25 marks each. Part B consists of one mandatory question worth 20 marks. Part C consists of four questions worth 15 marks each, of which candidates are required to answer any two.

The benefits of gaining the ADIT qualification are…

  • A global benchmark of quality and an independent means of demonstrating international tax knowledge and ability
  • Portability – wherever you want to take your career
  • Demonstration of your expertise in multiple countries and international tax subjects
  • Joining a growing global network of more than 2,500 ADIT students, graduates and International Tax Affiliates in over 100 different countries and territories – every continent, major market centre, and every business sector represented;
  • Being entitled to put the designatory letters ‘ADIT’ after your name;
  • The opportunity to become an International Tax Affiliate of The Chartered Institute of Taxation.
  • Stand-alone certificates: Candidates who pass Paper 1 – Principles of International Taxation or Paper 3 – Transfer Pricing examinations are eligible to apply for a certificate.

Starting Exam4 – ADIT exams

Source: CIOT (

Official Website:


Enhance your career with a prestigious qualification.


Become an international tax practitioner.


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Our Institute

Pantelis Stylianides Institute of Accountancy (Ps) is a long established private provider of professional accountancy courses in Cyprus. Our mission is to prepare and tutor the Accounting experts of tomorrow.


Email: [email protected]
Telephone: +357 22 871287 / Fax: +357 22 315516
Address: 20 Piraeus Street, Strovolos, 2023 Nicosia, Cyprus